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Donation Based - Transform your Beliefs
Donation Based - Transform your Beliefs

za 25 nov



Donation Based - Transform your Beliefs

Do you want to live more fully? Feel open and connected? Release painful emotions and experience more flow in your life? Join this workshop to experience the transformational power of deep breathwork and EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

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Time & Location

25 nov 2023, 12:00 – 15:00

Utrecht, Haïtidreef, 3563 HB Utrecht, Netherlands

About the event

What the workshop will look like 

In this workshop, you will learn about EFT tapping and you'll have a firsthand experience of it's benefits.

You will also experience the transformational power of breathwork.

A fully guided breath session will be part of your afternoon as well.

At the end, there will be time to share your experiences with the group, 

as a way to connect with each other and start integrating your process.

This workshop will not only provide you with an experience. 

It will also give you immensely powerful tools in hand that you can use by yourself.

The part you play

A workshop like this is always a co-creation.

Your openness and willingness to go deep within is a vital ingredient.

And you are the one who brings the raw materials for transformation.

When you dare to really connect to your 'problems', longings and dreams, 

you bring the energy that's needed for your transformation.

Thus, the part that you play is this: join this workshop when you really want it.

This creates a strong intention which will benefit you tremendously.

About the tools we'll use:

EFT EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, 

is a very simple method in which you -by tapping different parts of your body- 

send a calming signal to the brain. 

This sends the message to your brain that it is safe.

 By doing this, you'll be able to connect much more deeply to your inner world, 

your feelings and emotions. And this is a great way to release whatever is holding you back, in a very gentle way.

Transformational Breathwork 

"Breath is life, and how you breathe is how you live".

This is literally true. 

This also means that when you transform the way you breathe, 

you will transform the way you live. Simple as that.

This is a very powerful way of connected breathing 

that will take you into deeper and higher states of being within a very short time.

During the session I will guide you with positive and loving affirmations 

that go directly into the subconscious.

This is combined with working on pressure points in the body 

to release tension: both physical and psychological.

Both EFT and Transformational Breathwork can help you 

to open up to a more fulfilling and loving life. 

Practical Details 

Location: Haïtidreef 6, Utrecht. The workshop space is in the center of the very small Haïtidreef, so it's easy to find.

Dates: 11 and 25 November. 

Time: Doors open 11.45. Start 12.00. End 15.00


√a yoga or other kind of mat (the thicker the better) 

√a warm blanket and warm clothes

√a water bottle

Donation based, how does that work?

You can register for free by RSVP-ing to the event.

At the end of the workshop, consider what this has been worth to you.

And from that place, you can donate what feels right.

See you soon!


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